Why Must Research The Trent Before Sourcing
来源: | By: Rachel Burns | Date: 2023-12-07 | 274 次浏览 | 分享到:

If you can predict the market development direction in advance based on the existing situation, you will definitely make a lot of money.

For example, at the beginning of the COVID19, Chinese people were required to wear masks and isolate themselves at home. However, foreign countries did not regard the epidemic as an important matter. However, due to the impact of the epidemic, various countries began to change the relationship between personal protection and personal protection. (Masks, protective clothing, goggles, air purifiers), beauty, fitness, office (office chairs, chair cushions, etc.) related items have begun to sell well. If you can discover these business opportunities based on your domestic experience and make arrangements in advance, you will definitely have good sales.

After the COVID19 broke out abroad, due to the increase in working time from home, the demand for chair cushions increased, and the search popularity was higher than in previous years. An Shopify seller I know chose these products, which saw a sharp increase in demand during the epidemic, and his daily sales reached $3,000 in less than a month.

Catching market trends early will also have a significant impact on store SEO rankings, as your store will have the opportunity to be one of the first sites indexed by search engines like Google and Bing for new trending search terms. This allows your store to have better organic rankings for some keywords.


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